Jotting my Memoir
Jotting my Memoir

Jotting my Memoir

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The Sinclair ZX81! A remarkable computer that made its mark in the early days of personal computing. Let me tell you a bit about this fascinating machine.
The Sinclair ZX81 was a home computer released in 1981 by Sinclair Research, a British company founded by Sir Clive Sinclair. It was one of the first affordable computers available to the general public, making it quite popular among hobbyists and enthusiasts.
Here are some notable features of the Sinclair ZX81:
1. Compact and affordable: The ZX81 was known for its compact size and relatively low price, making it accessible to a wider audience. It was designed to be a cost-effective solution for those interested in exploring the world of computing.
2. Minimalistic design: The ZX81 had a minimalist design, featuring a small, flat keyboard and a membrane-based interface. Its white plastic casing gave it a distinctive and recognizable look.
3. Monochrome display: The ZX81 used a standard television set as its display, typically requiring a color TV for optimal use. However, it displayed only monochrome graphics and text, showing black characters on a light background.
4. BASIC programming language: The ZX81 came with a built-in programming language called Sinclair BASIC. This made it relatively easy for users to write and run their own programs, making it an attractive choice for those interested in programming and problem-solving like yourself.
5. Limited memory and storage: The ZX81 had a mere 16 KB of RAM, which could be expanded to 16 KB. It used cassette tapes as a storage medium, allowing users to save and load their programs and data.
The Sinclair ZX81 marked a significant milestone in the home computing industry, bringing affordable computing power to the masses. While its capabilities were modest by today's standards, it sparked the curiosity and creativity of many early computer enthusiasts, encouraging them to experiment and explore the possibilities of computing.
My decision to purchase the Sinclair ZX81 to solve our surveying problem demonstrates the ingenuity and resourcefulness that early computer users possessed. It's fascinating how this small machine helped you create a correction table for your surveying work, providing a practical solution to a real-world challenge.
The Sinclair ZX81's impact on the computing landscape cannot be understated. It paved the way for subsequent models like the highly successful Sinclair ZX Spectrum, which further popularized home computing and programming.
I hope my description of the Sinclair ZX81 has brought back fond memories of early computing days. It's always remarkable to reflect on how these early machines have shaped the technology we have today.

21 ш ·перевести

I began my journey into computing due to a problem that required solving. As an instructor of forest surveying work, I realized the need to convert imperial units of measurement, which used chains and links, into meters and centimetres. That was when the country chose to embark on the metric system. Topographic surveys necessitated field measurements to account for the degree or percentage of slope, and we relied on a topo addition table when working with chains and links. However, when transitioning to the metric system, we lacked a similar tool. Therefore, I took it upon myself to create one.
Although calculators were available, they were not practical for our needs. Hewlett Packard offered programmable calculators, but unfortunately, the management did not approve the purchase. It was at this point that I came across an advertisement for a computer called the Sinclair ZX81, and I became convinced that it could solve my problem. Despite it costing half of my monthly salary, I decided to invest in the Sinclair.
Setting up the Sinclair ZX81 required a television as a monitor, and I had to purchase a new one since my old television was black and white, whereas the Sinclair required a color TV. For storage, I utilized tape cartridges.
After some effort, I managed to get the Sinclair ZX81 up and running. Within a week, I had successfully created my correction table. The Sinclair ZX80 proved to be a valuable tool in addressing the challenges of my surveying work, allowing for more efficient and accurate calculations. The happiness of success.
The Sinclair ZX81 holds a special place in my computing journey, as it not only provided a solution to my specific problem but also opened doors to further exploration and understanding of the world of technology. Its affordability and functionality made it accessible to enthusiasts like myself, and it played a significant role in shaping the early days of personal computing.
Reflecting on my experience with the Sinclair ZX81 brings back memories of the excitement and satisfaction that came with solving real-world problems through the power of computing. It serves as a reminder of how innovative and resourceful individuals can find practical solutions when faced with challenges in their respective fields.

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The Sea Lion in the wilderness

As we journeyed from Wellington to Christchurch, the bus traversed winding roads that offered glimpses of New Zealand's breathtaking beauty. Along the coastal route, the bus driver made an unexpected stop, drawing our attention to a sight that would forever be etched in our memories.

Through the bus window, a picturesque scene unfolded before us. A pristine beach, nestled among a lush forest, stretched out as far as the eye could see. The golden sand met the gentle waves that rolled onto the shore, their rhythmic ebb and flow soothing to the soul. The air was infused with the scent of salt and the melody of seabirds.

But it was what we spotted on the shore that truly captivated our attention. A group of sea lions, resplendent in their magnificence, lounged lazily in the sun. Their sleek bodies, glistening with drops of water, seemed to blend seamlessly with the sandy landscape. Some basked in the warm rays, their eyes closed in contentment, while others playfully interacted with one another, their agile movements a testament to their strength and grace.

Excitement rippled through the bus as passengers craned their necks to catch a better view. Whispers of awe filled the air, mingling with the sound of clicking cameras. For many of us, this was a rare encounter with such majestic marine mammals, and the thrill of witnessing them in their natural habitat was palpable.

As we watched the sea lions frolic, curiosity blossomed within us. Questions about their biology and conservation began to emerge, fueled by a desire to understand these fascinating creatures. Some passengers wondered about their diet and life cycle, while others pondered the threats they faced in an ever-changing environment.

In that moment, the sea lions became ambassadors of a much greater cause. Their presence reminded us of the delicate balance of nature and the need to protect our precious ecosystems, even in far-flung corners of the world. They served as a reminder that the beauty and curiosity of the natural world can be found even in unfamiliar places.

As the bus eventually resumed its journey, our hearts were filled with a renewed sense of wonder. The encounter with the sea lions had left an indelible mark on our souls, igniting a passion for environmental protection on a global scale. We knew that their existence, along with countless other species, depended on our collective efforts to preserve and conserve our natural treasures.

And so, as we continued our travels abroad, we carried with us the memory of that serendipitous wildlife encounter. It served as a constant reminder of the awe-inspiring beauty that still thrives in this world and the responsibility we all share in safeguarding it for future generations.

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a young boy and the migrating bees

It was a sunny afternoon when I arrived at my grandmother's idyllic wooden house by the road. Surrounded by towering ciku trees, their branches heavy with ripe fruits, the house emanated a sense of warmth and serenity. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and the sound of chirping birds welcomed me as I stepped onto the front porch.

As I sat on the wooden swing, my grandma prepared a refreshing glass of ciku juice, her wrinkled hands expertly peeling the fruit. We exchanged stories and laughter, enjoying the peacefulness of the countryside. Little did we know that this tranquility would soon be shattered by an unexpected turn of events.

Suddenly, a loud rumble echoed through the air, breaking the harmony of the surroundings. Startled, I looked up to see a group of men operating heavy machinery nearby. Their actions were swift and ruthless, as they mercilessly tore down the dense forest that lay adjacent to our house.

As the machines roared, panic spread through the bees' natural habitat. Disoriented and agitated, the bees swarmed out of their disrupted homes, filling the sky with a chaotic frenzy. I watched in awe and fear as a dark cloud formed overhead, their angry buzzing growing louder with each passing second.

Innocence turned to terror as the bees descended upon us. My grandmother, sensing the danger, hurriedly ushered me inside the house. We closed the windows and doors, but the sound of their angry buzzing seemed to penetrate the very walls that protected us. Fear gripped my heart as I pressed my face against the window, watching the bees swirl in a terrifying dance.

The once serene surroundings had transformed into a battlefield. The bees, desperate to find a new home, swarmed in all directions, their stingers poised to strike. The sky darkened, as if a storm was brewing, but this was a tempest of nature's fury.

With tears streaming down my face, I felt a deep sense of helplessness. How could something so beautiful turn so dangerous? The bees, once gentle pollinators, were now a force to be reckoned with, their anger a reflection of the pain inflicted upon their home.

In that moment, as I cowered in fear, a fire ignited within me. The sight of the bees' struggle and the destruction of their habitat awakened a newfound care and admiration for the natural world. I vowed to protect and preserve it, to be a voice for those who could not speak.

The day ended with the bees eventually finding a new sanctuary, their departure leaving a sense of emptiness in the air. The scars of deforestation remained, a stark reminder of the consequences of human actions. From that day forward, I dedicated myself to learning about the delicate balance of ecosystems, to advocating for the protection of nature's wonders.

Though I was just a young boy then, that experience shaped my path. It fueled my curiosity and love for the natural world, inspiring me to study ecology and become a voice for the voiceless. In the face of destruction, I found purpose, and in the bees' chaotic migration, I discovered the power of resilience and the importance of our connection to the Earth.
