Madrasah Ramadhan
Madrasah Ramadhan

Madrasah Ramadhan

@ Madrasahramadhan
Madrasah Ramadhan  partagé un  poster
12 w

Deeds in Ramadhan

Dear brother/sister,

During the blessed month of Ramadan, there are several recommended acts of worship that we can engage in to draw closer to Allah and seek His blessings. Let me share some of these acts with you:

1. Tarawih Prayers: These are the special night prayers performed in congregation during Ramadan [[3]]( It is highly recommended to participate in these prayers and recite as much of the Quran as possible.

2. Giving Charity: Ramadan is a time of generosity, and giving charity holds immense rewards. By helping those in need, we not only fulfill a duty but also increase our closeness to Allah [[3]](

3. Increased Recitation of the Quran: The Quran was revealed in the month of Ramadan, and therefore, it is highly recommended to increase our recitation of the Quran during this blessed month. This act brings us closer to the angels and helps us gain more rewards [[3]](

4. Taqwa and Repentance: Ramadan is a time to increase our consciousness of Allah and repent for our past sins. By striving to be more mindful of our actions and seeking forgiveness, we can purify our hearts and draw closer to Allah [[3]](

5. I'tikaf: Some believers choose to observe I'tikaf, which involves secluding oneself in the mosque for a specific period during Ramadan. This act allows individuals to focus solely on worship and spiritual reflection [[3]](

6. Seeking Laylatul Qadr: Laylatul Qadr, also known as the Night of Decree, is a highly blessed night that falls within the last ten days of Ramadan. It is recommended to search for this special night and engage in acts of worship and supplication [[3]](

These are just a few of the recommended acts of worship during the month of Ramadan. It is important to remember that the ultimate source of guidance is the Quran and authentic hadiths. I pray that Allah blesses you and enlightens you with the proper knowledge to excel in your worship during this blessed month. May your efforts be rewarded abundantly.

And Allah knows best.

Here's a bonus hadith for you: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, "Whoever stands in prayer during the Night of Decree with faith and expecting reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven" [Sahih Bukhari, Book 32, Hadith 238].

If you have any more questions or need further guidance, feel free to ask.

Madrasah Ramadhan  partagé un  poster
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Taraweeh is conducted after the isha prayers, around 9.00 at night. It is highly recommended as part of the madrasah ramadhan.

During the first two rakaat of taraweeh prayers, it is recommended to recite Surah Al-Fatiha (The Opening) followed by any other surah or a portion of the Quran [[5]]( This is repeated in the next two rakaat [[1]](

From the third rakaat until the eighth rakaat, it is also recommended to recite Surah Al-Fatiha followed by a different surah or portion of the Quran [[1]]( This repetition allows for the recitation of different parts of the Quran throughout the taraweeh prayers.

Before the three rakaat of witir prayers, it is customary to recite Surah Al-Fatiha followed by any other surah or a portion of the Quran [[5]]( This helps complete the taraweeh prayers.

Taraweeh prayers hold great significance during the month of Ramadan. They are voluntary prayers performed after Isha prayers, preferably in congregation, and consist of sets of two rakaat each [[1]]( These prayers provide an opportunity to recite and reflect upon the Quran, seek forgiveness, and earn abundant rewards [[1]]( The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) encouraged the performance of taraweeh prayers during Ramadan, and it is believed that praying them with sincerity and hope for reward can lead to the forgiveness of previous sins [[1]](

The procedure for taraweeh prayers involves standing, bowing, prostrating, and reciting the appropriate portions of the Quran as mentioned earlier. It is important to maintain focus and humility throughout the prayers, and to follow the lead of the imam when praying in congregation. Taraweeh prayers can be performed until the end of the night, but it is recommended to complete them before the pre-dawn prayer [[1]](

As for the intention to fast for the whole month of Ramadan, it is a personal and inward commitment to observe the fast from dawn until sunset for the entire month. This intention should be made sincerely in the heart, with the intention of seeking closeness to Allah and following the commandments of Islam. It is not necessary to verbalize the intention, as it is a matter of intention in the heart [[3]](

I hope this answers your questions. May Allah bless you and enlighten you with proper knowledge. If you have any further queries, feel free to ask. Allah knows best.

Madrasah Ramadhan  partagé un  poster
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Day 1 begins after sunset

Assalamu alaikum. May peace be upon you, dear brother/sister. Thank you for your question regarding the Ramadan journey in Malaysia in 2024. Ramadan is a blessed month for Muslims worldwide, and it holds great significance in Malaysia as well.

In Malaysia, the Ramadan journey begins with the Maghrib prayers, which are performed after sunset. The Maghrib prayers consist of three rakats (units of prayer). During the first rakat, the imam recites the chapter Ad Dhuha. Ad Dhuha is the 93rd chapter of the Quran and is a beautiful reminder of Allah's blessings and His mercy upon His servants. It encourages us to be patient during times of difficulty and to have hope in Allah's abundant rewards

In the second rakat of Maghrib prayers, he read the chapter Al Fil. This is the 105th chapter of the Quran and tells the story of the people of the elephant. It reminds us of Allah's power and His ability to protect His sacred places

After completing the Maghrib prayers, it is customary to recite a supplication (doa) . This is a moment of reflection and gratitude, where Muslims express their thanks to Allah for the blessings of the day and seek His forgiveness.

Following the supplication, Muslims in Malaysia break. This is a time, to read the quran, to practise dzikr or just wait for the next prayer isha of the first of Ramadan.

Throughout the month of Ramadan, Muslims in Malaysia engage in various acts of worship, including additional prayers (taraweeh) performed after the Isha prayers. These prayers are a special opportunity to recite the Quran and seek closeness to Allah.

In conclusion, the Ramadan journey in Malaysia involves the observance of Maghrib prayers, during which the chapters Ad Dhuha and Al Fil are recited. These chapters remind us of Allah's blessings, mercy, and power. Ramadan is a time of reflection, gratitude, and unity for Muslims in Malaysia and around the world. The choice of the short chapters of the quran can be of the Imam's choice. May Allah bless you and enlighten you with the proper knowledge. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. Allah knows best.