1 Y ·Dịch

It was 'impossible' for the sea to split in half for Prophet Musa and his people to escape the army behind them. It was 'impossible' for Prophet Ibrahim to emerge unscathed from the fire that his people threw him into. It was 'impossible' for the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to travel to Al-Aqsa and ascend to the heavens all in one single night.
May peace be upon them all.
Sometimes we read about these miracles but we fail to connect them to our own existence. "These miracles only happened in the past," we say. "It's not realistic for us to hope for miracles in our own lives," we say.
But if you've ever experienced happiness after losing someone you loved deeply, you'll understand how miraculous that feels. It's as though Allah (swt) split your grieving heart in two like the Red Sea, and allowed hope to emerge from between the two towering walls of water.
