Africa yes Africa

The forgotten history of the African continent, nation and states


Africa's diverse and rich history has often been downplayed or oversimplified, and this is large due to common misunderstandings and generalizations. When we delve into the complexities of African history, we are met with a plethora of accomplishments and advancements. 


To begin with, Africa's agricultural prowess was extraordinary, as societies cultivated over 2000 different crop types. This not only shows an understanding of farming techniques but also an appreciation for biodiversity and nature's abundance. They grew crops ranging from familiar staples like maize and rice to lesser known crops such as tef and fonio.


The scale of political and social organization in Africa was impressive, with records of over 1,000 different kingdoms, empires, federations, city-states among others. These include the renowned Egyptian Empire, the Ghana Empire, the Mali Empire, and the Songhai Empire among others. All these pre-dated many of the supposed "firsts" of Western civilization that are often touted as harbingers of social organization and rule of law. Each of these empires had unique systems of governance, economy and social relations, defying the stereotype of a monolithic Africa.


In terms of literacy, Africa had at least 30 societies that had developed their own forms of reading and writing. These include ancient Egypt with its hieroglyphics, the Kushite kingdom with its Meroitic script, the Aksumites with Ge'ez script, and the Ajami script used in the Mali and Songhai empires. The letters carved on ancient Swahili city-states' buildings attest to the importance of literacy in these societies.


Moreover, Africa has been a cradle of innovation well before the advent of modern, western-centric notions of progress. The continent has made about 65 significant advances by 5000 BC. These ranges from the invention of clothes, sewing needles, jewelry to rather complicated tools like compound glue and lunar calendars. Remarkably, they even came up with calculators using simple elements like bones.


In terms of culture, African societies have contributed to the world's cultural diversity through art, music and story-telling. Their unique sculptures, carvings, paintings and musical instruments like the Kora offer a diverse range of cultural heritage. These reflect a complex mix of values, beliefs, philosophies and practices that we are only beginning to appreciate.


In conclusion, it is irrefutable that Africa has harbored splendid civilizations with unique accomplishments. These include a sophisticated history of agriculture, a magnificent range of political and social organizations, a vibrant culture, inventions and literacy. Any narrative that suggests otherwise is afflicted with ignorance or, at worst, a wilful distortion. 


Awalludin Ramlee

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