A friend wrote in FB and I was visualising what he wrote

Winter is over here. I heard spring peeper frogs in a swamp, have seen vast flights of high flying Canadian geese headed north and have seen robins for over a week..

I wanted to visualise what he is talking about. Since I am doing AI ART I decided to test it in AI ART first. Like it if you like.

And I crafted a poem to accompany it. Enjoy.

As the winter snow slowly melted away,
I listened for signs of spring each day.
The first to announce the season's change,
Were the spring peeper frogs in the swampy range.

Their cheerful trill echoed through the air,
Welcoming spring with their vibrant flair.
And then I saw the Canadian geese,
Flying north in a graceful masterpiece.

Their honking calls echoed loud and clear,
A sign that winter was finally over.
The skies were filled with their V-shaped flight,
A symbol of hope and new light.

And as I looked down on the ground,
I spotted a robin hopping around.
Its red breast was a sight to behold,
A sign that winter was growing old.

With the arrival of the peepers, geese, and robin,
I knew that winter was truly gone.
The snow had melted, the ground was bare,
And spring had arrived with a flourish of air.

So I ventured out into the springtime air,
Filled with hope and without a care.
For I knew that with the coming of spring,
Anything was possible, anything.

Obmar / ABRamlee / presidenikmal

Awalludin Ramlee

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