What is Cryptography?

A Brief Explanation of How it Works.

Learn more about Cryptography here.

Cryptography is the practice of protecting information by transforming it into a form that is unreadable, to unauthorized individuals. This is done using encryption algorithms. Encryption algorithms are mathematical formulas that scramble the data. The encrypted data is then called ciphertext. Only authorized individuals, who have the decryption key, can unscramble the ciphertext and read the original data.

Cryptography is how signing transactions, in your wallet work. Your wallet has two sets of keys. A private one you cannot share, and a public one used for sharing. Without them you would not be able to buy that new NFT you've been eyeing.

Cryptography is used in a wide variety of applications, including:

  • Secure communication: Used to protect data that is being transmitted over a network, such as email, web browsing, and file sharing.
  • Data storage: Used to protect data that is stored on a computer or mobile device.
  • Digital signatures: Used to create digital signatures, which can be used to verify the authenticity of a document, message or transaction.
  • Authentication: Used to authenticate users, like when logging into a website or accessing a computer system.

Cryptography is a complex and ever-evolving field, but it is an essential tool for protecting our data and ensuring our privacy. It is necessary for web3 applications, blockchain technology, and wallets to work. It is the building blocks we need to ensure cyber security. Learn more here.

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