Awana legacy awal and nadzrah
Awana legacy awal and nadzrah

Awana legacy awal and nadzrah

@ Awana

Zafree gets a hospital break again. Flu and cough. So mum had to be with him in the hospital


Lukman gave this Prompt

more angry super robot horse

and got this instead


Getting Azri's wedding dress taylored for the february occassion.


Alhamdulillah, as a father, I am extremely proud of the achievements of my children. They are a source of joy and pride in my life. Every step of success they attain brings deep satisfaction to my heart.

My eldest daughter, Nurliyana, is a dietitian specialist at Selayang Hospital. She pursued her education and obtained a Master's degree in clinical dietetics from UPM. Her skills and knowledge in the field of nutrition and health are truly remarkable. I am always amazed by her dedication in helping patients and providing balanced dietary advice.

My second child, Aimi Salma, is an expert in renewable energy. She completed her Master's studies in this field from the University of Malaya and also holds a degree in Chemical Engineering (Biotechnology) from UMP. She has been working in the private sector since completing her studies and has relocated from Kuantan to Klang, Puchong, and Subang for work. Her expertise in this field is highly valuable in contributing to sustainable development and environmental preservation.

My third child, Azri, pursued studies in Media Innovation at MMU. Together with his younger brother, Zaid, they have successfully established their own businesses, Zapt Design and Zapt Media Sdn Bhd. They are involved in graphic design, printing, book publishing, as well as web application design and videography. Their abilities and involvement in creating art and creativity make me extremely proud.

My fourth child, Afiq, got married last year. Although he discontinued his studies in MSc Photonic at UTM due to the Covid situation, he continued to take courses at INTAN and successfully obtained an Advanced Diploma in Cloud Administration. He is now serving with AADK under the Ministry of Home Affairs. I deeply appreciate his spirit to continue learning and contributing to society.

My youngest child, Nurul Nada Safwah, is a software engineer working with Her expertise in software engineering is crucial in developing and enhancing the website. I am always fascinated by her ability to create and produce innovative software.

In 2016, we were blessed to perform Umrah together, and recently, we have been invited to attend a Hajj course. Please pray that all of us will be granted the opportunity to perform Hajj in the coming Hajj season.

All of my children are a source of inspiration and motivation for me. I am grateful to them because their success not only brings joy to our family but also makes a significant contribution to society. I pray for their continued success in this world and the hereafter, and may happiness, success, and blessings always accompany them and their families.

Indeed, being a role model is an essential aspect of successful parenting. Children learn and absorb behaviors, values, and attitudes from their parents or primary caregivers. As parents, we influence our children's development and how they understand the world. By being a positive role model, we can guide our children towards a healthy and successful life.

Here are some reasons why being a role model is important in parenting:

Behavior and Values: Children observe and imitate the behaviors they see from their parents. By demonstrating positive behaviors such as kindness, honesty, respect, and responsibility, we teach children the necessary values and traits for their own personal development. When parents consistently display these behaviors, children are more likely to internalize and follow them.

Communication: Effective communication is crucial in any relationship, including the parent-child relationship. By being a role model of effective communication, parents can teach their children how to express themselves, actively listen, and resolve conflicts peacefully. Children who witness healthy communication patterns at home are more likely to develop strong communication skills.

Emotional Intelligence: Parents who demonstrate emotional intelligence can help their children learn to recognize, understand, and manage their own emotions. By expressing emotions in a healthy and constructive way, parents can show their children the importance of emotional well-being, empathy, and self-control.

Work Ethics and Ambition: Parents who exhibit strong work ethics and a sense of ambition can inspire their children to pursue their dreams and aspirations. When children witness their parents' dedication, perseverance, and commitment to their work or personal endeavors, they are more likely to develop the same spirit and determination.

Self-Care and Well-being: Parents who prioritize self-care and their own well-being become positive role models for their children. When children see their parents taking care of their physical and mental health, setting boundaries, and looking after themselves, they understand the importance of prioritizing their own well-being as they grow up.

It is important to remember that being a role model does not mean being perfect. Parents naturally make mistakes and have their own shortcomings. However, acknowledging and learning from these mistakes can also be valuable lessons for children. By communicating openly, apologizing when necessary, and demonstrating a growth mindset, parents can show the importance of self-improvement and resilience.

In conclusion, being a role model is a fundamental aspect of successful parenting. By embodying the values, behaviors, and attitudes we expect in ourselves, we can guide our children towards becoming responsible, compassionate, and successful individuals.