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I am no longer afraid of death,
what I am scared of
is once it knocks on my door,
I am unprepared—
still feeling that I don't belong
even in my own life

so I live each day
with full acceptance—
my arms are both wide open
whether it's sadness or happiness
that will come;
but I welcome euphoria
warmer than the melancholia,
for I don't want to leave this world
with regrets in my heart—
telling myself
I should have lived
more of my days on the ground
with laughters and smiles

I want to face death,
with a heart filled with contentment,
with mind at peace,
and no longer chained
on could have and what ifs

so while I am in here—
taking this one chance to live–
I'll feel every emotion within:
I'll enjoy every special moment,
I'll cry on times I am in deep pain,
but will surely be back
to being okay again
