M: What are some example trace success stories from industry leaders?

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A: Here are a couple examples of successful trace implementations I'm aware of from leading chip makers:

Intel described how trace helped validate and optimize their multi-core CPU designs years ago. They saw up to 10x debug speedups, enabling major performance goals. ARM also pioneered embedded trace technology. Their tracing solution has benefited SoC development for decades.

NVIDIA used trace extensively while developing their GPU accelerators for autonomous vehicles and AI. It revealed multithreading schedule issues causing a severe customer bug. The fix was validated within a day using trace versus weeks with other tools.

Texas Instruments used trace on safety-certified MCUs running industrial control firmware. Trace data provided functional validation traceability requirements for IEC61508 certification at far lower costs than alternative methods.

Xilinx implemented an on-chip logic analyzer in their FPGAs which customers leveraged for pre-silicon software development. One found a driver bug that would have taken months to find otherwise. It saved substantial project schedule delays and costs.

These are just a few representative examples, but they illustrate how established chip companies have successfully harnessed the power of trace technology for major program milestones like ensuring on-time product launches, accelerating development, and reducing certification expenses. Trace delivers tangible impacts when implemented effectively.

Does this help provide some real-world context around the business values trace debugging can offer? Please let me know if any part of these success stories would benefit from further explanation or discussion. I'm happy to explore specific customer cases in more depth as well.