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"Using ResearchGate to Advance your Academic Career" - This article discusses how early career researchers can utilize ResearchGate to build their professional network, share their work, and measure the impact of their research. It provides tips on using the different features ResearchGate has to offer.

Here are some related articles I found on ResearchGate for the one you provided:

Article 1: Title: 5 Ways ResearchGate Can Boost Your Citation Count

This article explores specific techniques early career researchers can use on ResearchGate to increase citations to their work, such as engaging with the question feature, starting discussions, and sharing updates on new publications.

Article 2: Title: How to Use ResearchGate to Collaborate with Other Scientists

Going into details on the collaboration features, this guide outlines how academics can use ResearchGate to find potential collaborators through their profile and publication information, join relevant groups, and communicate through messages and comments to explore project ideas.

Article 3: Title: Using ResearchGate to Enhance Your Online Academic Visibility

Focusing on boosting online presence, the author recommends optimizing your profile for searchability, claiming all your works, responding to member requests, and maintaining an active online engagement to raise the profile of your expertise on ResearchGate over time.

Article 4: Leveraging ResearchGate to Strengthen Your Academic Network

This blog post lists concrete steps for cultivating relationships on ResearchGate, such as following colleagues, joining discussions, answering questions to provide value, and utilizing the endorsement feature to expand your professional connections in your field.