Here are a few factors to consider when deciding whether to initially focus your publishing and sales efforts locally or overseas:

- Familiarity of topic: If your book is about local subjects like Malaysian culture, history, cuisine etc., starting local makes sense to reach interested readers. For more global topics, overseas could work too.

- Language: Selling in your native language allows local marketing appeal but limits overseas reach initially. Consider translations later once a following forms.

- Competition: Overseas like Canada, UK, US may have more competitive publishing landscapes. Local Malaysia chances are good for noteworthy local works to stand out.

- Platform support: Major international retailers support translations well. Local platforms understand payment/shipping in Malaysia best for early success.

- Promotion networks: Leverage local book clubs, libraries first as relationships grow. Global influencers come later. Have overseas publicity translated.

- Budget: Local promotions may require less upfront costs. Collection of good local reviews helps when expanding distribution abroad later on.

I'd suggest starting in Malaysia first to build a following amongst potential best customers efficiently via local awareness, then use those assets to support international growth long term. Expand gradually where interest leads. Local validation is smart.