Chapter 38 of the Quran is Surah Sad. It is a chapter that highlights the story of the Prophet David (Dawud) and his interaction with his people. While I can provide a general overview of the essence of verses 1-8, please note that a comprehensive understanding of the Quran requires studying the context, commentary, and interpretation by scholars. Here is a summary:

Verses 1-2: These verses introduce Surah Sad and emphasize the Quran as a revelation from Allah, the Wise and Merciful.

Verses 3-4: Allah recounts the story of the Prophet David, who was granted wisdom and authority by Allah. David was tested with challenges and was always grateful to Allah.

Verses 5-8: The verses mention the story of the two disputing men who approached David for judgment. David listened carefully to their arguments and made a just decision, which pleased Allah. This story highlights David's wisdom and fairness in resolving disputes.

The essence of these verses includes the recognition of the Quran as divine revelation, the showcasing of the Prophet David as a wise and just leader, and the importance of seeking justice in resolving conflicts. It also emphasizes gratitude to Allah and the recognition of His authority and wisdom.

It is important to note that a deeper understanding of the Quran requires studying the entire chapter within its context, including the verses that follow. Interpretation and understanding can be enhanced by referring to the explanations provided by scholars and experts in Quranic studies.