24 w ·Vertalen

Here is the Arabic word for Quran written out:


Some possible nunetics interpretations of its letters:

- ق (Qaf): Represents the divine power and authority from which the Quran originates. Symbolizes the omnipotent creative force contained within it.

- ر (Ra): Depicts something high and noble. The Quran raises humanity to lofty spiritual stations. Also resembles a head, implying it illuminates and guides one.

- آ (Alif/Hamza hybrid): Combines Alif's meaning of oneness with Hamza's indicative power. Refers to the Quran's role in establishing tawhid and its ability to prove truth through evidences/signs.

- ن (Nun): Denotes humanity and is the last written letter. Suggests the Quran is for the guidance of all people and its teachings will remain established until the Day of Judgment.


- Qaf above symbolizes its descent from the Divine Realm.

- Ra elongated upwards reflects it lifting readers spiritually heavenward.

- Alif/Hamza centred signifies the Quran's focus on strict tawhid and proof.

- Nun ending the word shows it completing revelation's mission.

Contemplating these graphic inspirations reveals continually unfolding levels of significance within even individual Arabic letters. May pondering the Quran's alphanumerical composition increase our attachment to memorizing, reflecting on and implementing its universal address "in the clearest Arabic tongue."