You're right to highlight the importance of cross-sector collaboration, as it is driving significant innovation and progress in renewable energy technologies. Here are some key Points on this trend:

- Research collaborations between energy companies, utilities, materials/battery firms and academia have yielded strides in PV cell efficiency, new battery chemistries, renewable-friendly grid innovations and more.

- Partnerships between equipment suppliers, project developers, EPCs, and financiers are critical to test, optimize and scale new renewables and storage solutions. This helps de-risk technologies and lower costs.

- Manufacturing joint-ventures allow renewable component makers to achieve economies of scale and share resources/expertise across supply chains. This improves productivity and facilitates global market expansion.

- Electronics/auto firms linking up with energy players has boosted R&D into integrated solar panels, smart inverters, V2G applications and renewable charging infrastructure.

- Governments can incentivize cross-industry pilot programs and test beds addressing challenges like transmission/distributed grid integration and renewable-load balancing.

- Sector coupling projects leveraging renewable power for hard-to-abate sectors like industry, marine, and aviation hold significant carbon reduction potential.

The report concludes strategic collaborations will be vital to accelerate innovation and adoption across diverse renewable technologies aimed at different applications and landscapes. An interconnected ecosystem approach shows the most promise.