REFLECTION ON THE DAY OF ARAFAH. * Hajj Arafah... Arafah is a day of reflection. Contemplation about the Creator. Reflection on why we were created. Arafah is a small reflection of the Day of Judgment. The Day of Judgment is the day when humans will be weighed according to their level of righteousness within themselves. The Day of Judgment is a scorching hot day with no obstacles. The Day of Judgment is a day when people are busy thinking only about themselves and no longer caring about their children, wives, and relatives. The Day of Judgment is a tense day where many people are overwhelmed with anxiety and fear. The Day of Judgment is the long-awaited day to determine the fate of individuals, whether they will enter paradise or hell. The Day of Judgment is a day of regret. Regret for the sins and injustices they have committed. A regret because humans have neglected their duty for which they were created. How powerful the Day of Judgment truly is... So much so that eventually, humans will find protection even with the donation of a single date. How fortunate are those whom Allah grants protection from the severity of the Day of Judgment. They are just leaders. A young person who has reached adulthood but uses their age in obedience to Allah. Someone whose heart is always connected to the mosque. Two people who love each other for the sake of Allah. A man who refuses to commit adultery out of fear of Allah. Someone who donates with their right hand without their left hand knowing. A person who remembers Allah in solitude and sheds tears.

May you have a blessed worship on the Day of Arafah, my brothers and sisters... The day when Allah frees many people from hell. The most suitable day for prayer. The day when good deeds in the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah are most beloved by Allah. So do not waste this precious opportunity. May we utilize the remaining days of our lives to do good deeds and be conscious of Allah Subhanallahu wa ta'ala. May Allah forgive our sins and negligence. Day of Judgment, may Allah make us just leaders, young people who mature in obedience, people whose hearts are always attached to the mosque, people who love each other for the sake of Allah, people who refuse when asked to commit adultery, people who donate sincerely and discreetly. People who always shed tears when remembering Allah in solitude. May Allah strengthen our faith and Islam, and may Allah cause us to pass away in a state of Husnul Khotimah (good ending). Ameen, O Lord of the Worlds.

The contemplation of the Day of Arafah is a religious symbol that emphasizes self-reflection and introspection as a Muslim. This message invites readers to contemplate the significance of the Day of Arafah and hopes to attain Allah's protection from the magnificence of the Day of Judgment. The message also mentions various qualities that a Muslim should strive for, such as being a just leader, growing in obedience to Allah, utilizing one's age in serving Allah, and safeguarding the purity of one's heart. They are also taught that the Day of Arafah is a precious day, where righteous deeds are more beloved by Allah, and it is a time to pray and seek forgiveness to increase one's piety and faith. This message also offers hope and prayers for everyone to attain salvation and goodness in the afterlife. The entire message emphasizes the importance of self-improvement and fulfilling one's obligations as a Muslim.