The mosque was quiet as Fariq arrived just before dawn. Only a few devout worshippers had gathered for the daily prayers. He breathed in the scents of frankincense and worn books as he entered the prayer hall. A sliver of sun rose above the minaret as the call to prayer echoed.

After salat al-fajr, Fariq's sheikh beckoned him to the study room. They sat opposite one another, the worn wooden table between them. "Today we start surat al-Fatihah," the sheikh said gently. He guided Fariq to recite each verse slowly, emphasizing the consonants to imprint their shape and flow.

As the light increased, the sheikh instructed Fariq to close his eyes. "Visualize the words floating before you. Trace their patterns as you say them silently in your mind." Fariq focused intently, immersed in the verses as if seeing them for the first time. When done, the sheikh quizzed him; Fariq recited confidently from memory.

Next, they broke al-Fatihah into short phrases, practicing each part until smooth. The sheikh wove a story around the lines, giving meaning and association to aid retention. Time slipped away as Fariq lost himself in the lesson, the light shifting across aged volumes lining the walls.

By late morning, beads of sweat dotted Fariq's brow from concentration. But the verses now flowed freely from his lips. A spark had begunKindling a lifelong passion for the words of his Lord. Each day the flame would grow brighter.