Fariq awoke before dawn as usual, determined not to let his teacher's absence halt his progress. He reviewed what he had memorized from the previous day's lessons. But reciting alone in the empty room felt hollow without the sheikh's guidance.

As sunlight filtered through the windows, Fariq had an idea. He went to the mosque to see if the scholar who had praised his recitation was there for morning prayers. Sure enough, the distinguished gentleman was present.

After salat, Fariq humbly asked if the scholar had time to hear him recite. Seeing Fariq's dedication, he agreed. As Fariq recited surat Yasin flawlessly, the scholar was impressed. "You have a gift, young Fariq. I would be honored to continue your lessons until your teacher returns."

Under the scholar's tutelage, Fariq delved deeper into understanding the meanings behind the sacred text. His passion grew. Each day he built upon what he had memorized, visualizing the verses like frames in a spiritual story playing in his mind.

Though he missed his first teacher, Fariq felt blessed by this opportunity. He resolved to absorb all he could from his new guide, keeping the flame of faith and memorization burning bright until their reunions in the mosque each dawn. Fariq's journey to preserve God's word had entered a new chapter...