21 ভিতরে ·অনুবাদ করা

Certainly! Here are 20 URLs that focus on deserts and dunes:

1. DesertUSA: www.desertusa.com
2. National Geographic - Deserts: www.nationalgeographic.com/env....ironment/habitats/de
3. Desert Research Institute: dri.edu
4. The World's Deserts - UNESCO: whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/6265
5. Desert Biome - UCMP Berkeley: ucmp.berkeley.edu/exhibits/biomes/deserts.php
6. Desert Conservation - WWF: www.worldwildlife.org/habitats/deserts
7. Sahara Conservation Fund: saharaconservation.org
8. Namib Desert - UNESCO: whc.unesco.org/en/list/1430
9. Mojave Desert Land Trust: www.mdlt.org
10. Rub' al Khali (Empty Quarter) - Visit Abu Dhabi: visitabudhabi.ae/en/explore/our-destinations/rub-al-khali.aspx
11. Desert Botanical Garden: dbg.org
12. Great Sandy Desert - Australian Geographic: www.australiangeographic.com.a....u/topics/science-env
13. Sonoran Desert Network - National Park Service: www.nps.gov/im/sonn
14. Gobi Desert - Britannica: www.britannica.com/place/Gobi-Desert
15. Thar Desert - Rajasthan Tourism: www.tourism.rajasthan.gov.in/thar-desert.html
16. Atacama Desert - Chile Tourism: www.chile.travel/en/where-to-g....o/north-zone-and-ean
17. Kalahari Desert - Botswana Tourism: www.botswanatourism.co.bw/dest....ination/kalahari-des
18. Arabian Desert - Encyclopaedia Britannica: www.britannica.com/place/Arabian-Desert
19. Simpson Desert - Australian Desert Expeditions: www.desertexpeditions.org
20. Chihuahuan Desert - Chihuahuan Desert Research Institute: www.cdri.org

These URLs provide information, research, conservation efforts, and tourism resources related to deserts and dunes around the world. They offer insights into the unique ecosystems, landscapes, and cultural heritage associated with these arid regions. Enjoy exploring the wonders of deserts and dunes through these websites!