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The History of Srivijaya, Angkor, and Champa" by Takashi Suzuki is divided into several sections, each focusing on different aspects of the three civilizations. Here are the chapters or sections you can find in the book:

1. Introduction
- Provides an overview of the book's objectives and highlights the significance of Srivijaya, Angkor, and Champa in Southeast Asian history.

2. The Origins of Srivijaya
- Explores the early settlements and gradual expansion of Srivijaya, tracing its origins and examining the factors that contributed to its rise as a powerful maritime empire.

3. The Glories of Angkor
- Delves into the rise and grandeur of the Khmer Empire, with a particular focus on its capital, Angkor. This section explores the architectural marvels, religious practices, and cultural achievements of the Khmer civilization.

4. The Kingdom of Champa
- Sheds light on the lesser-known empire of Champa, which thrived in what is now Vietnam. This section examines Champa's political organization, interactions with neighboring regions, and unique religious practices.

5. Trade and Maritime Power
- Explores the significant role of trade in the prosperity of these empires. This section delves into the maritime connections, trade routes, and economic networks that fueled their growth and facilitated cultural exchange.

6. Political Structures and Governance
- Examines the political structures and systems of governance in Srivijaya, Angkor, and Champa. This section analyzes the political dynamics, rulership, and administration of these civilizations.

7. Cultural and Religious Practices
- Focuses on the religious and cultural practices of each civilization. This section explores the influence of Hinduism, Buddhism, and indigenous traditions on the societies of Srivijaya, Angkor, and Champa.

8. Decline and Legacy
- Explores the decline and eventual downfall of these empires. This section analyzes the internal and external factors that contributed to their decline, including political instability, external invasions, and shifts in trade patterns. It also highlights the lasting legacy of these civilizations.

9. Conclusion
- Provides a summary of the key findings and insights from the book, emphasizing the interconnectedness and enduring impact of Srivijaya, Angkor, and Champa.

Each section offers a detailed examination of the respective topics, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the history, culture, and political dynamics of these ancient Southeast Asian civilizations.