The Quran, also spelled as Qur'an or Koran, is the holy book of Islam. It is believed by Muslims to be the word of Allah (God) as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel over a period of approximately 23 years.

The Quran is written in classical Arabic and is composed of 114 chapters, known as surahs, which vary in length and content. It covers a wide range of topics, including theology, morality, guidance for personal conduct, legal principles, and stories of past prophets and civilizations.

Muslims consider the Quran to be the ultimate source of guidance and a complete and comprehensive book that addresses all aspects of life. It is regarded as a timeless and unchangeable scripture that provides instructions on how to live a righteous and fulfilling life, both individually and as a community.

The Quran is revered as a miraculous and divine revelation, and its recitation holds great significance in Islamic worship. Muslims believe that by reciting and pondering over the verses of the Quran, they can deepen their spiritual connection with Allah and gain insight into His will.

The Quran is not only a religious text but also a literary masterpiece, known for its eloquence, rhythm, and poetic beauty. Its verses are recited in daily prayers, during special occasions, and in the performance of religious rituals. Memorization and study of the Quran are highly encouraged among Muslims, with many individuals striving to commit the entire text to memory.

Translations of the Quran are available in various languages to facilitate understanding for those who do not speak Arabic. However, it is important to note that the original Arabic text is considered the most authentic and accurate version of the Quran.

Muslims hold the Quran in high regard and treat it with utmost respect. It is often handled with ritual purification, and its physical copies are kept in clean and honorable places. Muslims strive to live their lives in accordance with the teachings and principles outlined in the Quran, seeking guidance and enlightenment from its verses.
