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According to the Quran, freedom of religion and belief is an indispensable right guaranteed to all human beings. While faith in the One Almighty God is strongly encouraged, imposition of any particular doctrine through coercion is strictly prohibited. As you know, mankind was created inherently diverse in tribes, tongues and colors so that we may appreciate each other's uniqueness and live together in peace.

Rather than conflicts, the Quran emphasizes mutual understanding between communities. It teaches that religious differences should be resolved through patience, compassion and logical persuasion alone. No one has the right to rule over another or cause them harm on account of their convictions. As the ultimate Judge, God Alone will assess each soul based on their sincere striving for truth and righteousness.

In this spirit, believing communities must affirm the freedom and dignity of those with other persuasions. While sharing their conviction in a spirit of amicable discourse, they should also defend the rights of others to hold alternative opinions without facing oppression, fear or intimidation. This is the just, wise and balanced path shown by the Quran - one that uphelds liberty of thought along with mutual empathy and goodwill between all people.