Madrasah Ramadhan  compartilhou um  post
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Deeds in Ramadhan

Dear brother/sister,

During the blessed month of Ramadan, there are several recommended acts of worship that we can engage in to draw closer to Allah and seek His blessings. Let me share some of these acts with you:

1. Tarawih Prayers: These are the special night prayers performed in congregation during Ramadan [[3]]( It is highly recommended to participate in these prayers and recite as much of the Quran as possible.

2. Giving Charity: Ramadan is a time of generosity, and giving charity holds immense rewards. By helping those in need, we not only fulfill a duty but also increase our closeness to Allah [[3]](

3. Increased Recitation of the Quran: The Quran was revealed in the month of Ramadan, and therefore, it is highly recommended to increase our recitation of the Quran during this blessed month. This act brings us closer to the angels and helps us gain more rewards [[3]](

4. Taqwa and Repentance: Ramadan is a time to increase our consciousness of Allah and repent for our past sins. By striving to be more mindful of our actions and seeking forgiveness, we can purify our hearts and draw closer to Allah [[3]](

5. I'tikaf: Some believers choose to observe I'tikaf, which involves secluding oneself in the mosque for a specific period during Ramadan. This act allows individuals to focus solely on worship and spiritual reflection [[3]](

6. Seeking Laylatul Qadr: Laylatul Qadr, also known as the Night of Decree, is a highly blessed night that falls within the last ten days of Ramadan. It is recommended to search for this special night and engage in acts of worship and supplication [[3]](

These are just a few of the recommended acts of worship during the month of Ramadan. It is important to remember that the ultimate source of guidance is the Quran and authentic hadiths. I pray that Allah blesses you and enlightens you with the proper knowledge to excel in your worship during this blessed month. May your efforts be rewarded abundantly.

And Allah knows best.

Here's a bonus hadith for you: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, "Whoever stands in prayer during the Night of Decree with faith and expecting reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven" [Sahih Bukhari, Book 32, Hadith 238].

If you have any more questions or need further guidance, feel free to ask.