6 ב ·תרגם

As the Moon Kisses the Ocean

Moonlight dances
Across the gently lapping waves,
Casting a silver veil.

The ocean breathes deep,
Swelling with the lunar pull,
Tides ebbing and flowing.

Waves caress the shore,
Whispering secrets to the sand,
As the moon looks on.

Reflections ripple,
Mirroring the celestial orb,
An ethereal embrace.

Salty mist rises,
Mingling with the cool night air,
A bittersweet kiss.

The horizon blurs,
Sea and sky seamlessly joined,
In the moon's soft light.

Endless blue expanse,
Cradled by the watchful moon,
Serenity abounds.

Oceans bow in awe
As the moon's ethereal glow
Bathes the world in grace.
