6 که در ·ترجمه کردن

First Visit to Chamang Waterfall

Lush forest surrounds,
Verdant canopy sheltering,
Nature's hidden gem.

Distant rumbling grows,
Beckoning the curious soul,
Towards the cascade.

Winding trail descends,
Mossy rocks and roots to climb,
Anticipation builds.

At last, the waterfall
Bursts into view, magnificent,
Water thundering down.

Mist rises, refreshing,
Cooling the sweat-dampened brow,
Tranquility abounds.

Carefully, I step
Onto the slippery stones, pause,
Feel the power flow.

Crystal clear pool waits,
Inviting for a cool dip,
Senses rejuvenated.

I stand in awe, humbled
By nature's raw, untamed grace,
Grateful for this gift.

Chamang's beauty leaves
A lasting impression, etched
In memory's trove.