Class of 72 MCKK  ibinahagi a  post
4 sa

The big school stands proud

Looming edifice,
Steeped in history's embrace,
The big school stands proud.

Towering pillars,
Sentinels of knowledge and
Dreams yet to unfold.

Students' laughter rings,
Echoing through hallowed halls,
Vibrant life within.

Chalkboards whisper tales,
Of lessons learned, minds ignited,
Shaping future's course.

Weathered walls, endure,
Witness to generations,
The big school's legacy.

This haiku sequence captures the essence of the "big school" and its enduring presence. Each verse follows the traditional 5-7-5 syllable structure, allowing the haiku form to convey the sense of pride, history, and the vibrant energy within the school.

The first verse sets the stage, describing the "looming edifice" that stands proud, while the second verse highlights the towering pillars that are the sentinels of knowledge and dreams. The third verse brings the school to life, with the laughter of students echoing through the hallowed halls.

The fourth verse delves into the stories and lessons that emanate from the chalkboards, alluding to the transformative power of education. The final verse reflects on the weathered walls that have endured the passage of time, underscoring the lasting legacy of the big school.

Through this haiku sequence, the grandeur, history, and significance of the "big school" are captured in the concise yet evocative poetic form.

Malay College, Big School, Big Tree
