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I suggest, inspired by Walt Disney's creative vision, creating an environment that encourages and rewards innovation:

1. Foster a mindset of curiosity: Encourage your team to question the status quo, explore new ideas, and embrace a sense of curiosity. Provide opportunities for them to learn and grow.

2. Create a safe space for experimentation: Encourage risk-taking and experimentation without fear of failure. Embrace a culture where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities, and celebrate the process of iteration and improvement.

3. Encourage collaboration and diversity: Create cross-functional teams that bring together individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives. This can spark creativity and lead to innovative solutions.

4. Provide resources and support: Ensure that your team has access to the necessary tools, resources, and training to foster innovation. Support their ideas and provide them with the autonomy to explore and implement their innovative solutions.

5. Recognize and reward innovation: Celebrate and acknowledge innovative ideas and contributions. Establish rewards and recognition programs that highlight and incentivize creativity and innovation within your organization.

Do you need a different creative perspective?