4 ш ·перевести

Okay, let me tell you all about pomegranates in a way a 5-year-old can understand...

Have you ever seen a fruit that looks like a weird red ball covered in bulgy segments? Well that funny-looking fruit is called a pomegranate! Some people call them "granets" for short.

Pomegranates grow on bushes that can get pretty big, almost like a tree. In the fall, the bushes get covered in these red grenade-shaped fruits. That's where the name "pomegranate" comes from - it means "apple with many seeds" in some other languages.

The outside is tough and leathery like a protective case. But inside is the best part - you break it open and find dozens of juicy red seed pods all tucked inside. They almost look like rubies or garnets, how cool!

If you eat the seeds, they pop in your mouth and squirt out yummy sweet-tart juice that stains everything. People make juice, jelly and syrup out of pomegranates too. Some traditions even say they symbolize love and fertility.

The coolest thing about pomegranates is that ancient explorers spread them all over the world, so now they grow in warm zones from Asia to America. Maybe next time you see some at the store, ask if you can try one. Just don't eat too many seeds at once, they can get messy! Pomegranates are definitely unusual and delicious fruits worth discovering.
