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Is life enjoyable?

Yes it must be enjoyable cause the life we're living is Very short. In fact, the moment we're going to pass, it never ever come back again. So without accepting the reality there's no second option in our life. Although sometimes we have gotta face very difficult trouble but we've to remember it's not the end rather the best is yet to come. Now those who are feeling sad they might even ask me no life is not enjoyable at all. It's true as well that life is not beautiful at all. But in reality we must have to have make your life enjoyable.

Doesn't matter how difficult, trouble, harder life that you've been living but you have to make sure at the end of the day you've a enjoyable life. If you even feel sad guess what! No one is there who can give a hand to you. You'll fail to find out someone who can feel your feelings. So why are you feeling sad still?

Always Remember one thing, that is every single moment that we pass, and we're getting closer to our death. So as a human being every moment is so special. We must count every single second.

On the other hand

It's necessary to feel be worried, it's necessary to feel sad, it's necessary to feel alone. It's necessary to feel broken. It's necessary to pass an uncertain moment. Get ready to accept everything and whatever happens in life just let it happen. We're not robot. We have true feelings. And we'll always be happy it's not true at all. Sometimes we need to feel sad & it's okay to be sad.

Let it happen

Whatever happens in life just let it happen. Don't show excuse rather be always ready to face difficulty. If somebody wants to leave you it's okay let them go peacefully. Always remember Just whatever happens in life just let it happen.

We may show many excuse in life but in reality we've got to accept it. Cause we can't change the reality immediately but if we accept the true things that is happening with us & if we wait with patience then definitely we'll be able to create the life we wanted.

However, suppose you are so sad and depressed cause the life you wanted to live but you can't for that reason you are feeling so depressed. Listen, life is not perfect at all & will not be perfect just accept it and stop feeling sad. Because if you feel sad, people out there just feel sympathy on you. No one even ask you what happened why you're feeling so sad & depressed. People will feel sympathy on you, nobody always no one won't understand your feelings. So when you realise that you're feeling sad, keep it hide no need to show others. And make a strongest mindset so that you always ready to accept everything even the hard time.

Stop expecting life will always be beautiful

There'll be so harsh, difficult, trouble, uncertain problem, darkness then it's called life. So whenever you face any kind of trouble, don't show excuse rather face it and overcome it. Remember you're human being and you've a life. And a life means difficulty, uncertainty. Life is not always mean beautiful rather sometimes it means dark, trouble.

But the true things is, life is very short and unpredictable. There's no guarantee and warranty in our life. We may die after some moment even within an hour. Life is very short that is why you have to have live it fully. We either feel sad or happy but at the end of the day we have got to make sure we are satisfied with the life that we have been living.

We are human being so let's be kind and honest. Cause there will be a day when everybody will forget us even the world will forget our name. So what are we boasting? Let's be kind to others and if possible let's make others happy as well. Because life is very short and everybody out there wants to enjoy their life so let's be happy and spread that happiness.
