1 y ·перевести

You spend time worrying about where you are and how far it is from where you are going that you forget how far you've come from where you used to be.

Never forget everything you've gone through, the pain you've endured, the struggles you've survived, the obstacles you've scaled, the mountains you've climbed that have brought you to where you are.

Remember the times you've pushed yourself when you don't feel like, and done things despite how hard it was, remember all these have built you into the person you are today.

You are where you are today because of all that happened yesterday, and where you will be tomorrow will be a product of what you are doing today.

Let go of regrets and worries that might spring up today, don't let the burdens and fears of the present weigh you down. All that has happened previously didn't kill you, instead it made you stronger, all that is happening now won't end you, it will make you better.

Every phase in life matters, and the phase you are in is needed for the next. Face every fear with courage, every obstacle with strength, face every hurt with a smile and every failure with the hope that the best is yet to come .

Rather than bother about where you are, be grateful for how far you've come and be hopeful of how far you will go.

Greet today with a smile, for this is not how your story will end.
