A Thirty Day plan

To bring employess out of their comfort zone

.A thirty day plan 

Day 1-3: Have a meeting with all the employees and explain the necessary reasons for changing their comfortable routine, whether for business growth, adapting to market demands or new company policies. 


Day 4-7: Establish a new vision for the company. This will help employees to have a clear understanding of where the company is headed.


Day 8-10: Start organizing team-building events to build cooperation and resilience. Make sure these events challenge their comfort zones.


Day 11-13: Implement new tasks - tasks that weren’t performed by employees before. This will challenge their capability and improve their skills.


Day 14-16: Create an open door policy. Giving employees a platform to voice their ideas and concerns breaks them out of passive routines.


Day 17-19: Begin a mentorship program or training workshop. This helps employees to learn new skills and prepares them for the coming changes.


Day 20-22: Promote collaborative decision making. This encourages creativity and innovative thinking among employees.


Day 23-25: Introduce flexible working conditions by allowing employees to set their own schedules or work from home.


Day 26-28: Create a reward and recognition program. Recognizing an employee’s hard work motivates them and encourages others to step out their comfort zones.


Day 29-30: Evaluate the changes. Collect feedback from employees and make necessary changes based on the feedback. 


Remember, while it’s important to shake things up occasionally, it’s also key to maintain a healthy balance. Overburdening employees or constantly throwing them into highly stressful situations isn’t beneficial for long term growth or productivity.

Awalludin Ramlee

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