Why do we do this?

Manners, attitude and discipline are signs to know the living status of any community.

It was about midday time with sparkling sunlight and high temperature we I turn my bike towards my home from highway. We ( me & wife) were coming from hospital after attending an admitted patient there. I saw an old woman carrying some weigh walking along the road slowly.

I told to my wife that ask her if she need any help and why she is going by walk with weight. I stopped bike and My wife went to that woman. The result of conversation was shocking to me .

That woman can't hire any jipney , auto ride , Riksha because she is widow and alone now and if she do such , the tribe people will tease her and not let her do so .

How cruel people are ? Old Woman walking with weight is acceptable to them but if she sit with any male in any vehicle that is not acceptable and they put her in threat. So disappointed I was after hearing such thing.

Second story is from neighbouring family where an old man was living with his son , daughter is law and grand son. The wife of his son was a clever , quirkily and fake character. She made a drama and blame her father in law that he tried to impute her adultery. The old man leave the house forever and now it is one week he didn't come back or even no one knows where he gone.

If our own female do job or earn good money in business that is fine but we keep evils eye on every woman passing nearby and we blame her if she is doing a job especially in environment where mostly men working. Such dual mindset we are and not ready to give her equality and justice. We have believe religiously too about her fundamental rights but in physical life we totally ignore the religion and keep our duality, fake ego prime

Is it fair? No , it is not . We are dishonest to our own self. What we feels right, can't admit publicly. Again we race to religious centre for seeking His Mercy. With what face to beg from him blessings when we disobey His clear Instructions. He knows our inner and out , then why we didn't feel ashamed on ourselves. We know all will go from here and no one will carry anything from here accept the deeds but still we do bad things.


What kind of people we are ?


Amjad Ali

30 博客 帖子
