OT, Anesthesia And Wooden Legs

Health is highest ranked blessing from God. I am sick and admitted in a hospital where I write these words of my experience.

It was 9.00 am when ward boy leave a precautionary measures pamphlet with a special dress ( A long unzipped apparel). Exactly at 11.00 am they push my strature into corridor towards OT.

OT ( operation theatre) building has huge compartments and divided into different categories like cardiac, gastro, peeds , arthropathy, general ETC. Ward boy push my trolley into general compartment. 

A big room with lot of medical instruments and machinery was Infront to me and a pleasant, smiling lady welcome me in good gesture. They transferred me from trolley to OT bed and started the job. 

They put two clips on my both thumb nail and a screen flashed with a beep and some lines in one corner. A big round circuit board with sharp lights was on my body. One staff captured me just like a rabbit and other inject something in my lower spinal cord. Other inject a glucose syrup type drip in Bernoulli. 

Within a minute I feel that everything rounding in circle ⭕ and lite unconsciousness drop me down. My lower part started going heavier and just in 2-3 minutes I was not able to move my legs. They drop a green curtain between my lower part and upper part.

Laparoscopy Sargon did his part but I didn't feel anything due to Anesthetize before the operation. I saw male and female nursing staff movement behind the curtain and some noise of medical tools. 

A 30 minutes duration of surgery I spent in chilled OT and then again staff removed the curtains, put back my trousers, transfer me from OT table to movable trolley to shift in my room. 

I was on my bed at 12.30 pm with wooden Legs. Why I call wooden? Because I feel like this. I could not made any movement in legs , my feet looks like stoney made and heavier than the rock. 

OT Staff gave congratulations to me and my wife that I have a successful surgery without any problems. Within four days you will be fine and able to do your work steadily. 

They were talking near my bed and I went in dreams. I slept long around 6 hours and woke up when I feel lot of ants walking on my Legs and feet. Actually it was sign that Anesthesia dripping down.  

Thanks to Almighty God and thanks to all my family here who prayed for my successful surgery. I am feeling much better now. 


Again Big Thanks ? To everyone who do prayer for me and send wishes here and ? on other platforms. 




Surgical ward , Qasim Hospital 


Amjad Ali

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