Travel and seek knowledge

Learn and travel are qualities lauded in Islam


Title: The Quran on The Deeds of Exploring the World and Acquiring Knowledge 

In the religion of Islam, the most sacred and respected book is the Quran, the critical source of religious and moral guidance for Muslims around the world. The Quran firmly encourages exploring the world and seeking knowledge, emphasizing their importance in human life. Both themes, the exploration of the world and the acquisition of knowledge, are discussed in separate contexts that ultimately blend together, creating a unified message of seeking wisdom and understanding, excursion, and discovery. 


The Quran underscores the importance of knowledge and learning in several verses. It is said in Quran 58:11, "Allah will raise those of you who have Faith and those who have been given knowledge in rank." This verse indicates that acquiring knowledge enhances a person's societal status and commending those that seek knowledge. On the same note, another verse states, "It is those who have knowledge among His servants that fear Allah." (Quran, 35:28). Here, knowledge is linked directly to the fear of God. Those who truly understand the nature of the world and life fear God and strive to stay right within their religious paths.


Furthermore, the Quran does not limit the acquisition of knowledge to religious learning only. The essence, as derived from Quranic verses, is to gain broader wisdom and understanding about the physical universe, the nature of life, human psychology, relationships, society, and much more. This wide and open perspective towards learning shows that the Quran encourages studying diverse disciplines to enrich the understanding of the world.


Moreover, Quran 39:9 states, "Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know?" This rhetorical question aptly summarizes the importance of knowledge as per the Quran. It suggests that intellectually enriched people will always have an edge over others and rightly so, for they are in a better position to understand, analyze, and appreciate the subtle nuances of life and existence.


Next, the deed of exploring the world is emphasized in the Quran as it serves as a method of acquiring knowledge. The Quran encourages travel and exploration as a means of learning, gaining experience, and broadening horizons. "Say: Travel through the earth and see how Allah did originate creation." (Quran 29:20). This verse clearly encourages travelers to see the world, understand its origins, and appreciate Allah's creation.


In Quran 30:42, "Say: Travel through the earth and see the nature of the consequences for the Rejecters," the Quran makes traveling a means to learn about historical civilizations and understand the consequences that befell those who rejected faith. This verse encourages learning from the past experiences of humanity and applying that knowledge to avoid repeating the same mistakes.


In conclusion, both the acquisition of knowledge and exploring the world work hand in hand as per the Quran's teachings. It encourages Muslims to seek knowledge in every form and encourages travel as a means of learning. It tells the believers to step out of their comfort zones, understand the mysteries of nature, study the universe, and learn from the experiences of past civilizations. Acquiring knowledge, whether through exploration or traditional learning, is not only a means of personal growth but also as an act of worship. It's a continuous, lifelong journey, a duty for every Muslim in their pursuit to understand Allah better and live as per His will. 


The Quran beautifully reflects upon exploration and knowledge acquisition through its verses. It explicitly sends out a clear message that Islam not only encourages but mandates learning and exploration as a central aspect of human life. Therefore, every Muslim has a duty to continue learning in their journey of life, not limiting themselves to the religious aspect but understanding the vast and beautiful world created by Allah.


Awalludin Ramlee

417 مدونة المشاركات
