Life long learning

Are we still on track? Who is learning and who is not. One important thing in islam is lifelong learning. What is lifelong learning

.Lifelong Learning in The Perspective of Islam 


Lifelong learning is regarded as a profound learning theory focusing on the persistent pursuit of acquiring insights regardless of age or experiences. It's an eternal quest of knowledge, affirming the idea that learning is not confined within specific age brackets or formal education setup but is a continuous process that spans an entire lifespan. 


In the context of Islam, this concept is deeply entrenched and manifests fundamentally in its teachings. Quran, the holy book of Muslims, explicitly emphasizes the significance of knowledge, understanding, and continuous academic pursuit. From a broad perspective, this showcases Islam's encouragement towards lifelong learning, portraying it as an essential facet of leading a virtuous, fulfilling life.


Islam’s emphasis on knowledge transcends into all areas of life - both worldly and spiritual. It establishes the premise that human beings are born with an innate need for knowledge and should cultivate it throughout their lives. Islam places a high regard for seeking wisdom, enlightenment, and discernment. It views lifelong learning as a journey towards personal and spiritual growth, benefiting society as a whole.


The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said, “Seeking knowledge is a duty upon every Muslim,” elucidating Islam's emphasis on continuous learning. This obligation doesn't cease with the completion of formal education; instead, it encourages every believer to persistently seek knowledge. Islam lays the foundation of an individual's potential for learning by nurturing the love for knowledge right from the beginning. It believes in fostering an environment in which intellectual challenges are viewed as opportunities for growth, culminating in a mindful, enlightened society. 


Furthermore, lifelong learning in Islam is not limited to religious knowledge alone. It encourages the acquisition of all beneficial knowledge that contributes to one's overall development. It could range from the sciences to arts, literature, social sciences, and the list goes on. Islam’s stand extrapolates into promoting a conscientious, empathetic, and socially apt community that thrives on the constant pursuit of knowledge.


In essence, lifelong learning, as espoused by Islam, is the embodiment of its fundamental principles. It promotes building an informed, thoughtful, and resourceful society fostered on the grounds of knowledge and understanding. The global recognition of lifelong learning today resonates remarkably well with the Islamic notion of it, providing the inspiration for an inclusive, comprehensive, and unceasing learning culture. 


To sum up, lifelong learning in Islam triggers individual development and spiritual enhancement by embedding the quest for knowledge at the core of its teachings. It amalgamates the concept of continuous learning with core principles of morality and righteousness, laying a strong foundation for human growth and social progress.

Awalludin Ramlee

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