Save water and Save our Future

Save water and save the nature, future is in our hand. Let's give some to our earth.



Saving water is important for several reasons, including preserving this finite resource, reducing water bills, and helping to alleviate water scarcity in some parts of the world. Here are some simple ways to save water:


Fix leaks: Leaks can waste a lot of water, so repair any leaks in your plumbing as soon as possible.


Shorten your showers: Taking shorter showers can significantly reduce your water usage.


Install low-flow showerheads and faucets: These devices can reduce water flow by up to 50% compared to traditional fixtures.


Use a broom instead of a hose to clean driveways and sidewalks: Hosing down these surfaces can use a lot of water.


Water plants in the morning or evening: This allows the water to soak in instead of evaporating in the hot sun.


Only run the dishwasher and washing machine with full loads.


Use a pool cover to reduce evaporation: This can save hundreds of gallons of water each year.


Choose drought-resistant plants for your landscaping.

Abdullah Ghazi

24 Blog posting
