Ending Global Poverty - A Priority.

An integrated, globally cooperative strategy and financing from all sectors, we have the means to make poverty history within decades, not generations.

nding global extreme poverty should remain an urgent priority. While progress was being made, the uneven impacts of recent crises have exacerbated inequalities and vulnerabilities, leaving hundreds of millions still deprived of basic needs. However, there are certainly paths forward if the international community commits to renewed, coordinated anti-poverty actions.

A multi-pronged approach is needed to both alleviate immediate hardship and tackle its root structural causes. In the short-term, expanding social welfare programs, debt relief and aid can help those in crisis access necessities. But long-lasting change will require investing in developing economies through sustainable infrastructure, technology, education and jobs. Addressing inequality at its source will strengthen resilience against future shocks.

Climate change mitigation must also be a priority, as its consequences already undermine livelihoods in vulnerable regions through disasters, resource conflicts and farm failures and will intensify without swift carbon reductions. Transitioning to renewable energy and climate-smart development everywhere can lift populations out of poverty while safeguarding the planet.

With an integrated, globally cooperative strategy and financing from all sectors, we have the means to make poverty history within decades, not generations. Even small improvements that give millions better access to healthcare, education, decision-making power and economic opportunities would make immense human differences. Future generations deserve a world with dignity and prosperity for all people - working united with shared responsibility and vision can make this possible. Our shared humanity demands renewed commitment to end extreme deprivation in our lifetime.

Awalludin Ramlee

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