Morning reflection

morning is the best tine to reflect and ponder and strategise

Here are some thoughts on how you can reflect on and apply the lessons from today's Quran reading to strengthen your character or help others:


- Did any particular verses or stories stand out to you about virtues like patience, gratitude, justice, kindness? Try implementing one of these qualities in your interactions.


- Were lessons mentioned about serving others selflessly? Look for small ways to assist people around you today through good manners or favors.  


- Did reading increase your taqwa (awareness of God)? Carry this consciousness in your speech, business dealings and personal matters.  


- Were reminders given of living for the Hereafter not just worldly life? Order priorities accordingly through focus on non-material goals.


- Is there someone you've intended to reconcile with or make amends to?Today could be the day, with wisdom and sincerity, to mend relations.


- Are there inmates or less fortunate you could offer charity or aid to as a form of sadaqah? Look up relevant organizations.


May this reflection and application of Quranic insights elevate your spirituality, elevate your level of worship, and bring you true peace, purpose and fulfillment in living according to His guidance. Let me know if any other perspective could be helpful to strengthen your character through action.

Awalludin Ramlee

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