Web development and designing

Process of creating a website through UI and UX

Web development and design are two interrelated disciplines involved in creating and maintaining websites. Web development involves the technical aspect of building a website, such as coding and programming, while web design focuses on the visual and creative aspect, such as layout, color, and typography.


Web developers use languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the structure and functionality of a website. They may also use frameworks, such as Angular or React, to make the development process easier and more efficient.


Web designers, on the other hand, use tools like Photoshop, Sketch, and InVision to create wireframes, mockups, and prototypes for the website's design. They work with web developers to ensure that the design is properly integrated into the website's code and that it functions as intended.


Together, web developers and designers collaborate to bring a website to life and create an engaging user experience for visitors. They must also ensure that the website is accessible, responsive, and optimized for search engines, so that it can reach the maximum number of users.

Abdullah Ghazi

24 ब्लॉग पदों
