The black shoe problem

How to solve the black shoe issue

Expert Roles:

1. Education Policy Expert

2. School Administration Expert

3. Shoe Manufacturing Expert

4. Parent and Student Representative




Step 1: Education Policy Expert

The education policy expert acknowledges the decision made by the education authorities to change white school shoes to black to address the issue of soiled shoes. They raise the concern about the new problem of smelly unwashed shoes that may arise from this change.




Step 2: School Administration Expert

The school administration expert agrees with the education policy expert's concern about smelly unwashed shoes. They suggest implementing measures to address this issue, such as providing shoe cleaning stations or encouraging students to regularly wash and maintain their shoes.




Step 3: Shoe Manufacturing Expert

The shoe manufacturing expert mentions that the choice of shoe material may play a role in the development of smelly unwashed shoes. They suggest using materials that are more breathable and odor-resistant to minimize the occurrence of this problem.




Step 4: Parent and Student Representative

The parent and student representative express their concerns about the practicality of maintaining black shoes. They mention that black shoes tend to show dirt and scuff marks easily, which may require more frequent cleaning and maintenance.




Final Discussion Result:


After discussing the issue, the experts have identified the problem of smelly unwashed shoes that may arise from changing white school shoes to black. They have also discussed potential solutions, including implementing shoe cleaning stations, encouraging regular shoe maintenance, and selecting breathable and odor-resistant shoe materials. However, the parent and student representative raised concerns about the practicality of maintaining black shoes.


Views Classification:


- Education Policy Expert, School Administration Expert, and Shoe Manufacturing Expert: Support the concern about smelly unwashed shoes and suggest measures to address the issue.

- Parent and Student Representative: Express concerns about maintaining black shoes and the practicality of doing so.




The experts agree that the decision to change white school shoes to black may solve the problem of soiled shoes but may lead to the problem of smelly unwashed shoes. They suggest implementing measures such as shoe cleaning stations, promoting regular shoe maintenance, and using breathable and odor-resistant materials. However, the practicality of maintaining black shoes is a concern raised by the parent and student representative.


Suggested References:


- "How to Clean and Maintain Black Shoes" - This article provides tips and techniques for cleaning and maintaining black shoes to keep them looking fresh and odor-free.

- "Choosing the Right Shoe Material: A Guide for Parents and Students" - This guide offers information on different shoe materials and their properties, helping parents and students make informed decisions when selecting school shoes.

Awalludin Ramlee

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