Isomorphic Labs partners with Novartis and Eli Lilly to use AI for drug discovery, with the potential for billions in milestone payments.
AlphaFold’s success in predicting protein structures drives Isomorphic Labs’ AI-driven approach.
Collaboration with pharmaceutical giants sh

Isomorphic Labs, a spin-out from DeepMind, has recently entered into two significant drug discovery collaborations with pharmaceutical giants Eli Lilly and Novartis. These strategic partnerships aim to leverage the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to expedite drug discovery processes and potentially yield substantial profits for the company. With an upfront payment totaling $82.5 million and the potential for billions in performance-based milestone payments, Isomorphic Labs is poised to make a significant impact on the pharmaceutical industry.

Novartis collaboration to target undisclosed diseases

In its first collaboration, Isomorphic Labs has partnered with Novartis, a prominent pharmaceutical company, to identify small molecule therapeutics for three undisclosed disease targets. The collaboration builds on the capabilities of AlphaFold, DeepMind’s revolutionary AI system that comprehensively cataloged protein structures, including predictions for over 200 million proteins. Isomorphic Labs intends to harness AI technologies to accelerate drug discovery and develop treatments for some of the most devastating diseases.

As part of the agreement, Isomorphic Labs will receive an initial payment of $37.5 million, along with funding for specific research costs. The collaboration provides Isomorphic with the opportunity to earn up to $1.2 billion in performance-based milestone payments. Fiona Marshall, Novartis President of Biomedical Research, expressed optimism about the partnership, emphasizing the potential of cutting-edge AI technologies like AlphaFold to transform drug discovery and expedite the delivery of life-changing medicines to patients.

“This collaboration harnesses our companies’ unique strengths, from AI and data science to medicinal chemistry and deep disease area expertise, to realize new possibilities in AI-driven drug discovery,” stated Fiona Marshall. “We are thrilled to explore uncharted frontiers together with the Isomorphic team.”

Eli Lilly collaboration targets multiple diseases

In a second major deal, Isomorphic Labs has initiated a research collaboration with Eli Lilly, another prominent player in the pharmaceutical industry. This partnership shares similar goals with the Novartis collaboration, focusing on the discovery of small molecule therapeutics against multiple undisclosed disease targets. Eli Lilly has committed an upfront cash payment of $45 million to Isomorphic Labs, with the potential for up to $1.7 billion in performance-based milestone payments.

Demis Hassabis, Founder and CEO of Isomorphic Labs, expressed enthusiasm for the collaboration with Eli Lilly and the opportunity to apply their proprietary technology platform, the next generation of AlphaFold, and access to substantial computing power to Lilly’s development programs. Hassabis emphasized the shared commitment to advancing groundbreaking drug design approaches and the appreciation of state-of-the-art science, making the partnership highly compelling.

Driving innovation in drug discovery

Isomorphic Labs’ collaborations with Novartis and Eli Lilly underscore the increasing role of AI in revolutionizing drug discovery processes. The utilization of AI technologies, such as AlphaFold, offers the potential to significantly expedite drug development timelines and enhance the overall efficiency of the drug discovery pipeline.

Isomorphic Labs, as a DeepMind spin-out, inherits the legacy of AlphaFold’s success in predicting protein structures with remarkable accuracy. This expertise positions Isomorphic Labs at the forefront of AI-driven drug discovery, with the ability to leverage AI and data science alongside extensive disease area expertise.

Potential for profound impact

With the potential to receive substantial performance-based milestone payments, Isomorphic Labs stands to make a profound impact on the pharmaceutical landscape. These collaborations with Novartis and Eli Lilly demonstrate the confidence placed in Isomorphic Labs’ AI-driven approach and its potential to deliver innovative solutions for the treatment of various diseases.

The partnerships represent a win-win situation, where pharmaceutical giants can tap into cutting-edge AI capabilities, while Isomorphic Labs gains the necessary resources and funding to advance its mission of accelerating drug discovery and finding cures for devastating diseases.

Isomorphic Labs’ recent collaborations with Novartis and Eli Lilly mark a significant milestone in the integration of AI into drug discovery processes. With substantial upfront payments and the potential for significant performance-based milestone payments, Isomorphic Labs is well-positioned to drive innovation and deliver life-changing medicines to patients in need. These partnerships underscore the immense potential of AI technologies to revolutionize the pharmaceutical industry and expedite the development of new therapies for various diseases.

Ali Noman

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