Valve checks AI games, shows details on the store, and lets players tattle.
They still say no to certain AI content, but it might change later.
Valve says sorry for taking so long; AI gaming interest grows.

Valve Corporation, the company behind the popular Steam digital marketplace, has announced significant rule changes regarding games that utilize generative AI technology. These changes aim to streamline the process for developers and make it easier for AI-driven games to be listed on the platform. Valve asserts that these adjustments come after months of research and consultations with game developers. The new rules will expand the acceptance of games employing generative AI, but with specific guidelines and safeguards in place.

Inclusion of AI disclosure section in survey

As part of these changes, game developers are now required to include an AI disclosure section in the survey they submit. In this section, developers must outline how generative AI technology is utilized in their games, focusing on two broad categories:

Pre-Generated AI Content: This category encompasses any content, such as art, code, or sound, that is created with the assistance of AI tools during the game’s development. Valve will evaluate this AI-generated content during the pre-release review, ensuring it complies with Steam’s Distribution Agreement and marketing materials.

Live-Generated AI Content: Live-generated content is produced with AI tools while the game is running. In addition to adhering to the same rules as pre-generated AI content, developers must specify the measures taken to prevent the generation of illegal content by their AI systems.

Valve empowers the community and maintains content standards

Valve plans to leverage the information provided by developers in the AI disclosure section to make informed judgments about whether a game can be released on the platform. Much of this information will be displayed on the game’s store page, ensuring that customers are well-informed about the game’s use of generative AI.

In a bid to maintain the integrity of the Steam marketplace, players will have the ability to report AI-generated content that they believe violates any legal standards. Valve aims to foster a community-driven approach to address concerns related to AI-generated content.

While Valve is expanding the acceptance of generative AI-driven games, it remains steadfast in its ban on live-generated sexual content. The company emphasizes that this stance is effective “right now,” leaving room for potential future changes.

Valve concludes its message with an apology to developers, acknowledging that the time taken to reach these conclusions has posed challenges for some developers in making decisions about their games. However, these changes are seen as a positive step towards accommodating the growing interest in generative AI within the gaming industry.

Industry-wide interest in generative AI

Valve’s decision comes amidst a broader industry trend, with companies like Microsoft, Square Enix, and Ubisoft expressing keen interest in adopting generative AI technology for game development. The potential for AI-driven content generation has piqued the curiosity of many game developers, opening up new possibilities for creativity and innovation in the gaming world.

Valve’s updated rules regarding generative AI in games are set to facilitate greater acceptance of AI-driven titles on the Steam platform. These changes reflect the company’s commitment to adapt to the evolving landscape of game development while upholding standards of legality and quality. As the gaming industry continues to explore the potential of generative AI, Valve’s stance and the ongoing dialogue surrounding AI-generated content are expected to shape the future of gaming in meaningful ways.

Ali Noman

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