OpenAI introduces the GPT Store for ChatGPT users, offering custom chatbot roles and a central hub for sharing and discovering them.
They also unveil ChatGPT Team, a collaborative workspace for professionals that provides secure team management and access to powerful AI tools.

OpenAI has taken a significant step forward in its quest to revolutionize the world of AI-driven conversation by launching two innovative offerings: the GPT Store and ChatGPT Team. These developments aim to provide users with more customized and collaborative experiences while adhering to OpenAI’s commitment to quality and user engagement.

GPT Store: A hub for custom ChatGPT roles

OpenAI’s GPT Store is a groundbreaking platform that allows ChatGPT users to discover and share custom chatbot roles known as “GPTs.” This platform is designed to cater to ChatGPT Plus, Team, or Enterprise subscription members, offering them a centralized hub to find useful and popular GPTs.

Since the introduction of GPTs in November 2023, users have created over 3 million custom versions of ChatGPT. These custom GPTs come with specific instructions and access to tailored data or external APIs, making them more functional and personalized than the standard ChatGPT-4 model. While users could previously create and share their GPTs, the GPT Store now simplifies the process by providing a central repository for browsing and discovering these user-designed GPTs on the OpenAI website.

Weekly updates and notable early GPTs

OpenAI has pledged to regularly update the GPT Store with new GPTs every week, ensuring users have diverse options. As part of the initial rollout, OpenAI has highlighted six noteworthy early GPTs currently available:

  • AllTrails: Ideal for outdoor enthusiasts, it helps users find hiking trails.
  • Consensus: A valuable tool for researchers, it assists in searching through a vast database of 200 million academic papers.
  • Code Tutor: Facilitating learning, this GPT aids users in coding with resources from Khan Academy.
  • Canva: This GPT is tailored for designers, making it easier to create presentations.
  • Books: A resource for book lovers, it assists in discovering new reading material.
  • CK-12 Flexi: Focused on education, it helps users learn math and science effectively.

Contributing to the GPT store

ChatGPT users who wish to contribute their GPTs to the GPT Store can do so by setting their creations to be accessible to “Everyone” and verifying a builder profile in ChatGPT settings. To maintain the quality and compliance of GPTs, OpenAI will review them to ensure they meet the company’s policies and brand guidelines. Users can also report GPTs that violate these rules.

OpenAI is set to fulfill its promise of sharing revenue with GPT creators. In contrast to traditional app stores, users will not sell their GPTs directly in the GPT Store. Instead, OpenAI plans to compensate developers based on user engagement with their GPTs. The revenue-sharing program is slated to launch in the first quarter of 2024, with further details on the criteria for receiving payments to be provided later.

ChatGPT team: Elevating collaboration at work

In addition to the GPT Store, OpenAI has introduced ChatGPT Team, a collaborative workspace and subscription plan. This new offering is designed to cater to teams of all sizes, enhancing their experience with ChatGPT for professional use.

Priced at $25 per month per user (annually) or $30 per month per user (monthly), ChatGPT Team offers several advantages over the ChatGPT Plus subscription. Notably, it provides a secure and collaborative workspace to maximize ChatGPT’s utility in a professional setting. Unlike the Plus subscription, OpenAI assures users that it will not train AI models based on ChatGPT Team business data or conversations.

Key features of the ChatGPT team

  • Admin Console: ChatGPT Team has an admin console that streamlines team management, making it easier for teams to collaborate effectively.
  • Sharing Custom GPTs: Users can seamlessly share their custom GPTs with their team members, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Enhanced Access: Like ChatGPT Plus, ChatGPT Team includes access to GPT-4 with the 32K context window, DALL-E 3, GPT-4 with Vision, Browsing, and Advanced Data Analysis. This ensures that users can access powerful AI tools to support their work.

OpenAI emphasizes the versatility of ChatGPT for various professional tasks, including generating code, crafting emails, and analyzing data. However, users must remember that ChatGPT should be a tool rather than a factual resource. OpenAI encourages users to bring their data for analysis and exercise caution in relying on ChatGPT’s outputs in ways that cannot be personally verified.

OpenAI’s latest offerings, the GPT Store and ChatGPT Team mark significant strides in the evolution of AI-driven conversational tools. These innovations aim to empower users with greater customization options and collaborative features, further cementing OpenAI’s position at the forefront of AI technology.

Ali Noman

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