Cryptocurrencies have witnessed a remarkable rise in popularity and intrigue, capturing the attention of seasoned investors and the general public.

As this digital revolution took hold, an interesting trend emerged—the involvement of celebrities in various crypto projects. From endorsements and investments to actively participating in Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), famous figures lent their names and influence to promote the potential of digital currencies. However, as the crypto landscape evolved, so did the relationship between celebrities and their crypto ventures, with an increasing number of high-profile individuals opting to distance themselves from these projects.

The Rise of Celebrities in the Crypto World

The impact of celebrity endorsements on crypto’s popularity was particularly evident during high-profile events like the Super Bowl. Dubbed the “Crypto Bowl,” the Super Bowl saw numerous commercials featuring cryptocurrencies, with celebrities like Matt Damon and LeBron James prominently featured in these ads. These appearances further solidified that cryptocurrencies were a legitimate and exciting investment opportunity, contributing to the growing interest and adoption of digital assets.

However, as the crypto market faced increasing scrutiny and experienced significant volatility, the potential downsides and risks associated with cryptocurrencies became more apparent. The scrutiny prompted a reevaluation of celebrity endorsements and their responsibility to ensure their followers knew of the potential risks involved.

Celebs Abandoning Crypto Projects

The trend of celebrities abandoning their once-promoted crypto projects has become increasingly noticeable. While celebrities initially showed enthusiasm for digital currencies, the challenges and controversies surrounding the crypto industry have led some famous figures to distance themselves from their crypto ventures. Here are a few examples:

Floyd Mayweather Jr. and DJ Khaled endorsing Centra Tech

In 2017, Floyd Mayweather Jr. and DJ Khaled enthusiastically promoted Centra Tech, an ICO to provide a crypto debit card solution. Their endorsements brought attention and credibility to the project, contributing to its initial success. However, the founders of Centra Tech were later arrested and charged with fraud, leading to legal consequences for Mayweather and DJ Khaled. 

In November 2018, the SEC found that Mayweather did not disclose receiving $100,000 from Centra Tech Inc., while Khaled did not disclose a $50,000 payment from the same company. These cases marked the SEC’s first charges related to ICO promotions.

As part of the settlement, Mayweather agreed to pay a $300,000 penalty, disgorge $300,000, and pay $14,775 in prejudgment interest. He also decided to refrain from promoting digital or securities for three years. Khaled agreed to pay a $50,000 disgorgement, a $100,000 penalty, and $2,725 in prejudgment interest. Additionally, he accepted a two-year ban on promoting securities. Both Mayweather and Khaled settled the charges without admitting or denying the findings.

Paris Hilton and her association with LydianCoin

After Paris Hilton’s tweet endorsing the emerging cryptocurrency LydianCoin, which was subsequently deleted, she has maintained a relatively low profile regarding the cryptocurrency. The tweet drew attention when people discovered that the CEO of LydianCoin had a previous guilty plea for domestic abuse. Following this incident, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a cautionary statement regarding celebrity-backed ICOs, leading many to believe that the SEC’s message indirectly targeted Hilton. Since then, Hilton has chosen to refrain from further public involvement in LydianCoin. 

Kim Kardashian

Kardashian promoted the EMAX token through an Instagram post in June 2021, while Mayweather showcased the EMAX logo on his boxing shorts during a match with Logan Paul. Notably, Kardashian settled with the SEC in October 2022, agreeing to pay a $1.26 million penalty for unlawfully promoting crypto security.

Resurfacing allegations in the EMAX token lawsuit poses a threat to Kim Kardashian and Floyd Mayweather. The class-action lawsuit accuses them of engaging in a “pump and dump” scheme by endorsing the EthereumMax (EMAX) crypto token without disclosing their financial incentives. Initially dismissed in December 2022, the case gained new momentum when US District Judge Michael Fitzgerald denied the dismissal of unfair competition claims against Kardashian and Mayweather.

The revised 162 page complaint alleges that the celebrities profited unfairly from their endorsements and misled their followers with an investment opportunity lacking a legitimate business plan. Judge Fitzgerald deemed promoting a crypto token without disclosing financial incentives unfair. The defendants failed to present any compelling arguments in their favor.

The resurgence of these allegations highlights the need for increased scrutiny and accountability in celebrity endorsements within the cryptocurrency realm. Celebrities must be transparent about their financial relationships when endorsing crypto tokens to protect their followers and investors. The outcome of this ongoing lawsuit will further shape the landscape of celebrity endorsements and their responsibilities in the cryptocurrency space.


In September 2020, rapper T.I., also known as Clifford Harris Jr., settled with the SEC over fraudulent cryptocurrency offerings. The Grammy-winning artist agreed to pay $75,000 for promoting ICOs from two companies, Flik and Coinspark, controlled by film producer Ryan Felton.

Felton had promised that FLiK would become an entertainment streaming platform and that CoinSpark would develop a new cryptocurrency trading exchange. However, instead of fulfilling these promises, Felton allegedly misused investor funds to purchase luxury items, including a Ferrari, a million-dollar home, and diamond jewelry.

T.I.’s involvement in these ventures included selling FLiK tokens on his social media accounts and falsely presenting himself as a co-owner of FLiK while encouraging his followers to invest in the ICO. The SEC also mentioned that T.I. enlisted a “celebrity friend” to promote the ICO on social media, likely referring to Kevin Hart, who expressed excitement about T.I.’s venture FLiK in a 2017 tweet.

Although T.I. neither admitted nor denied the SEC’s claims, he distanced himself from Felton, who faced indictment over the alleged fraud. T.I.’s attorney stated that the rapper never received any funds from Felton’s failed project and promptly disassociated himself from it upon learning about its lack of development.

Investors in FLiK attempted to sue T.I. regarding the ICO, but a judge dismissed the lawsuit, and an appeals court declined to revive it.

Matt Damon

Movie star Matt Damon faced backlash for appearing in an advertisement for crypto exchange Crypto.com. However, the criticism revolved more around the ad’s cheesy nature rather than concerns about misleading investors.

In the one-minute commercial, Damon, dressed in black, walks through a white, museum-like gallery while contemplating human achievement and the difference between those who almost succeed and those who do. Accompanied by the imagery of astronauts and mountain climbers, Damon discusses “moments of truth” and the bravery needed to seize opportunities. The ad concludes with Damon gazing at a red planet through a large window before the Crypto.com logo appears on the screen.

The advertisement was widely mocked on Twitter, leading to Damon’s name trending. Journalist Adam Johnson criticized the ad for its macho appeal, noting that such pitches have historically manipulated men into investing their savings. 

The Twitter backlash generated numerous headlines criticizing Damon and questioning the wisdom of celebrities giving investment advice. While Damon may not appreciate the attention, Crypto.com likely benefited from the ad’s viral spread. 

Logan Paul

Logan Paul, a popular YouTuber, and influencer, ventured into cryptocurrencies with his crypto project, CryptoZoo. He promoted CryptoZoo as a game where users could hatch and breed hybrid NFT animals that would increase in value over time. The project gained attention and attracted investors, including individuals like Rueben Tauk, who invested significant amounts of money based on Paul’s endorsement.

However, the CryptoZoo project failed to materialize as a game, and the value of its tokens plummeted. Many investors, including Tauk and his father, suffered substantial losses. In response, investors seeking class-action status filed a lawsuit against Logan Paul and CryptoZoo, alleging fraud, breach of contract, negligence, and other claims.

Critics accused Paul of promoting projects that eventually faltered, leaving investors at a loss. This pattern of endorsing and abandoning projects when facing challenges became evident in Paul’s crypto ventures. One example is the meme coin called Dink Doink, where blockchain evidence suggested that Paul profited greatly from the token he promoted.

In January 2023, Logan Paul pledged to refund at least $1.3 million to CryptoZoo token holders and announced his intention to relinquish his stake in the game. He expressed disappointment in how the project was handled and acknowledged its negative impact on investors.

The failure of CryptoZoo and the controversies surrounding Logan Paul’s crypto projects highlight the risks associated with celebrity endorsements in the cryptocurrency space. It serves as a cautionary tale for investors to conduct thorough research and exercise caution before investing in projects solely based on celebrity endorsements.

Implications and Lessons Learned

The trend of celebrities abandoning their once-promoted crypto projects carries significant implications for both the individuals involved and the broader crypto industry. It serves as a reminder of the challenges and risks associated with celebrity endorsements and highlights valuable lessons. Here are the key implications and lessons stemming from this trend:

Research and due diligence

The crypto industry is complex and ever-changing, making it crucial for celebrities, investors, and followers to conduct thorough research and due diligence before engaging with crypto projects. Understanding the project’s fundamentals, team, regulatory compliance, and potential risks is essential. Endorsing or investing in crypto projects without proper research can lead to reputational damage, financial losses, or legal consequences.

Transparency and responsible promotion

Celebrities endorsing crypto projects should prioritize transparency and responsible promotion. They must disclose any financial interests or partnerships related to the endorsed projects. Clear communication about the potential risks and volatility of the crypto market is necessary to ensure that followers and investors have a realistic understanding of the associated challenges.

Long-term commitment

The crypto industry requires a long-term commitment from projects and associated individuals. Celebrities considering involvement in crypto ventures should assess their level of commitment, understanding the ongoing responsibilities and potential risks. A short-term endorsement without a genuine interest or dedication to the project can negatively affect the celebrity and the project’s credibility.


Celebrity endorsements and the crypto industry

Celebrities’ abandonment of crypto projects can impact the perception of celebrity endorsements and the crypto industry as a whole. It reinforces the need for critical thinking and caution when evaluating the credibility and legitimacy of projects associated with famous personalities. It also highlights the importance of considering crypto projects’ overall reputation and track record rather than solely relying on celebrity endorsements.

Evolving dynamics between celebrities and the crypto industry:

The trend of celebrities abandoning their crypto projects reflects the evolving dynamics between stars and the crypto industry. It underscores celebrities’ need to align their values, interests, and goals with their associated projects. The crypto industry must adapt and establish clear guidelines and best practices to address celebrity endorsements’ challenges and potential risks.

By understanding these implications and lessons, individuals can make more informed decisions when navigating the crypto landscape. It emphasizes the importance of critical thinking, research, and responsible engagement with crypto projects, ensuring a more sustainable and trustworthy crypto ecosystem.

Ali Noman

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