Life is not same for everyone?

It's about life for different people.

Life is different for different people 

It's not same for everyone. 

We can compare just between two class levels.. Elite one and normal one.

Elite one are those who took life for granted and are beware of all the problems that are big ones for mediocre. They seemed to be chill. Just coz of money. 

Guys this world is just for those who are rich ?

It's major concept but deep down they are also facing issues from which we are unaware. Every one is fighting their own ghosts.

Now see 2nd one... Elite one get everything quickly but in comparison to them mediocre one are longing for it. They longed for their whole life then struggle for it and after that get that thing. 

Some people get nothing to eat but some are wasting money over useless things. 

Life is not same for every one. 



Iqra Asmat

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