There is no limit for self growth.

Self growth, what are basic things that we need to do.

Self growth a basic need of life.There is no limit for self growth. At every point of life we learn things from other but here are the things that will groom our personality . 

Laugh more .. Doing this will give us a thought that we have got only one life and we should live it by laughing. 

Dance more.. Dancing more gives us an enjoyable environment. 

Sing in the shower .. Way to live every sec of life

Light candles .. Life is not full of darkness there is also a hope for life

Smile to children and oldest people .. This will gave them hope of life. 

Hug tight people you love .. Not every one will remain with you... So when they are close to you don't let them down. 


Breathe .. life without breathing is nothing

Listen to a good music .. give some food to your soul. 

Forgive .. Forgive others so no one gets regret. 

Write .. if you have no one to speak, write a lot. 

Thank yourself every day 

Buy a gift for yourself and for someone you love

Iqra Asmat

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