To know elephants is to love elephants with elephants AI ART by ABRamlee

Elephants have a rich history in the Malay Land, with traditional ceremonies, such as the “ Royal Ceremonies” involving traditional dance and music.


Elephants are majestic creatures known for their vast size and intelligence. They are found in forests and grasslands in tropical regions, including parts of the Malay Land. In the wild, their diet consists of grass, fruits, leaves and shoots of palms. 

Elephants can live for up to 70 years and spend most of their time grazing and socializing with other elephants. They are known for their intelligence and use in various jobs such as logging and tourism.

 Elephants have a rich history in the Malay Land, with traditional ceremonies, such as the “ Royal Ceremonies” involving traditional dance and music.

Elephants in captivity have been trained for various purposes, including performing in shows, providing elephant rides, and allowing visitors to feed and interact with them. Elephants are incredibly intelligent, and trainers must spend years forming a deep bond with them in order to successfully train them.


Awalludin Ramlee

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