Ramadhan is a month of spiritual reflection and heightened devotion to Allah

It is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar and marks the beginning of a period of fasting and abstinence from worldly pleasures, which lasts until the next new moon is sighted. Muslims across the world observe the fast in order to purify their souls and refocus their attention on their

Ramadhan is a month of spiritual reflection and heightened devotion to Allah. It is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar and marks the beginning of a period of fasting and abstinence from worldly pleasures, which lasts until the next new moon is sighted. Muslims across the world observe the fast in order to purify their souls and refocus their attention on their faith.




Ramadhan is a time for Muslims to turn their hearts to Allah and devote themselves to his worship. During this time, Muslims abstain from eating, drinking, smoking and engaging in sexual activities from dawn until sunset. This period is known as sawm and is obligatory for all adult Muslims who are not sick, travelling, pregnant or breastfeeding. Muslims are also encouraged to abstain from other sins such as lying, backbiting and gossip.




In addition to refraining from certain activities, Muslims also increase their worship during Ramadhan. This includes reading and reciting the Quran, attending tarawih prayers at night and engaging in charity. The fast is not just about abstaining from physical activities but also spiritual ones. It is meant to cultivate patience and humility and encourage Muslims to give thanks to Allah for his blessings.




Ramadhan is a blessed month as it was the month in which the Quran was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). It is an opportunity for Muslims to strengthen their relationship with Allah, become closer to their faith and reflect on the blessings He has bestowed upon them. Ramadhan is a month of devotion, gratitude and introspection and an important part of the Islamic faith.


Awalludin Ramlee

417 Blog Beiträge

Imran Khan 1 y

Ramadan is the month of reward and good deeds.
One must make this month more beneficial.

Mohtishim Mohiuddin 1 y

I'm waiting for this month for so long time

Malik Ziauddin 1 y

Ramadan is the month of blessings best month of the year

Sumaiyya noor 1 y

Ramzan is the best month and we can refresh our eman in this month🥰

Faraz Ahmed 1 y

Iam waiting this month

Khizar Mohiuddin 1 y

This month is very beautiful ❤️

Naveed Iqbal 1 y

Ameen Sum Ameen

Naveed Iqbal 1 y

May this divine month of Ramadan erase our sinful past and bless the heart with love, kindness, and mercy.