I am Indeed Priviledged for all that I have.

I had the privilege of breathing the air for 66 years, allowing me to take-in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. I had been allowed to enjoy the breeze that brushes these limbs while seated on the floor

A translated clip from an essay that I wrote for a book.

Allah had given me the privilege of breathing the air for 66 years, allowing me to take-in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. I am allowed to enjoy the breeze that brushes these limbs by seating on the floor. I can see green foliage covering the hills and slopes up to the peak of Bukit Lagong from the door of my home. Outside the Malaysian Forest Research Institute is where I live (FRIM). I came to understand that all of these plants weren't just randomly created. That has been the case ever since Sundaland, before the devastation of the flood. It provides thousands of benefits, either such we are aware of and ones we do not. We can only approach the mysteries of God's creation and nature through knowledge and sound mind.

The green leaves seemingly resemble just one type of green. Not really, actually there are hundreds if not thousands of green shades as we observe closer. Why do some leaves look green and others don't? There Professor said that different colors for each part of the plant body are provided by the different types of plastids present in the cells. Chlorophyll pigment tends to transform itself into various types of chromoplasts depending on natural conditions and needs. For example, leaves containing the pigment chlorophyll are green, and if not, they are not green.

Green leaves are mentioned in the Quran Surah Yasin verse 80 which means "He who made for you from the green tree, fire, and then from it you ignite.". At first glance, of course, it has to do with three basic things: (1) fire, (2) green leaves, (3) their use for humans. But if you look closely, you wonder if God is disclosing secret behind the verse and talking about renewable energy and this new energy source, namely to production of  biodiesel. Hmm. Subhanallah, Walhamdullillah, Allahhu Akbar.



Awalludin Ramlee

417 Blog posting
