Secret To Success



? Don’t try to be successful first, help others and be the last successful one. If you know your friends want to do something good, offer your help. 

You will see that the law of Karma will help you have successes in the future.


? The princilpe of doing good is the same. Throughout our life, be always willing to help and care for the people around us first. When you are children, help your parents do the housework and when you can help others with bigger work, try your best, maybe with your words, effort, and/or money.


? Some people, because of their blessing from their past lives, have a successful career in the current life. They have big companies with so many employees. 


? Your blessings are the most important. We must have enough blessings to repay old favors and do new ones. 


? Besides our effort to do good, we must try to avoid enjoyment and overspending. Unwise people like to enjoy life, and whenever they have money, they think about partying, playing, shopping, and so on. Therefore, they create no more blessings in all their life.


? On the contrary, wise people think about doing good first when they have money because they’re afraid of their spending on the wrong things. Some may says, “we should split up the amout of money into some parts: one part is for feeding the family, another is for savings, and the left one is for doing good”. It’s not wrong say so, but we recommend doing good takes precedence, and we will use the left for our needs. It is your blessings that become your sustainable fortune in the current life and many later lives.


? We must tirelessly strive to improve our four things forever: The first is our health, we must exercise regularly. The second is our knowledge, we must study forever. The third is our morality, try to fix our mistakes one by one to slowly increase our goodness. The fourth is our blessings, we must be keen on earning more and more this life, next life and many lives later.


? And, we will never become a burden but always the refuge of joy and peace for people in the turbulent life.



Ubaidullah Khan

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