NANO TRAIN BY ABRamlee #1 Hardwork

THE MEANING OF HARDWORK - Involves dedicating oneself to a task or set of tasks, putting in a lot of time and effort, and often going above and beyond what is required in order to achieve success.

Hard work is the consistent and persistent effort that one puts in towards achieving a particular goal or objective. It involves dedicating oneself to a task or set of tasks, putting in a lot of time and effort, and often going above and beyond what is required in order to achieve success.



Hard work can manifest in various forms, such as physical labor, mental concentration, or a combination of both. It requires discipline, focus, and commitment, and often involves sacrificing short-term pleasures or comforts for long-term gain.



The meaning of hard work can vary depending on the context in which it is used. In some cases, it may be associated with a strong work ethic, a willingness to do what it takes to get the job done, and a determination to succeed. In other cases, it may be seen as a value that is valued in and of itself, regardless of the outcome.



Ultimately, hard work is a key ingredient in achieving success, whether it is in one's personal life or professional endeavors. It is an essential component of building a strong work ethic, achieving one's goals, and developing the skills and experience needed to succeed in the long term.





Awalludin Ramlee

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Imran Khan 1 y

Hard work is consistent effort of some one in any Field of life.